
King's #1 Cow
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Steve King is a United States Congressman representing the 5th District of Iowa. He is a neoconservative Republican, and to put it lightly, he's fucking NUTS!
With how nutty Steve King is, it's completely possible that he has sex with cows.
In fact, there is no evidence to prove that he doesn't fuck cows.
And I'm not just referring to his wife, either.
Steve King's a rural guy that lives in Kiron, Iowa. I've been through Kiron. Plenty of farmland around those parts. Plenty of farmland means plenty of cows. Plenty of cows means plenty of lovin' for Steve King.
And on top of the suspicion of fucking cows, Steve King is also a shitty Congressman and a genuinely rotten, vile human being. He is a known bigot, and he is not helping the citizens of Western Iowa. Everyone needs to vote for his opposition. Do you really want to be represented by a bigoted, evil cow-fucker? I know I sure don't.
Read more about Congressman King and his potential cow-fucking exploits as updates come.
The cow jokes are, of course, a parody, and as far as I know, Steve King has never fornicated with any cattle. That said, I don't know that for sure, so it's only a guess. Oh and since this is the small print disclaimer-type shit, this should be where I say that I respect Congressman King. Actually, though, I don't.

Steve King's typical victim

Would you trust this man with your cows?